Understanding the Key Parts of a Real Estate Purchasing Contract

A real estate purchase contract, also known as a “contract to purchase real estate” or a “residential purchase agreement,” is a binding, bilateral agreement between two or more parties. The purchase contract is the key to your real estate transaction. Not only does it make your purchase or sale official, but it also protects both…

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5 Steps to Improving Your Home’s Appraisal Value

Whether you’re refinancing or looking for a fair price for your home, you’ll need an appraisal before you take your home to market. An appraisal is primarily based on recent sales prices of comparable properties, but in thriving markets, those sales prices might not be high enough to support the newest deals. (They can even…

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Step into the Mindset of a Buyer

What do Home Buyers Really Want in a House? Don’t let the “small stuff” sabotage your sale. As a home seller, you probably hear this advice a lot– and that’s for a good reason. Investing time and money on the turn-offs in your home can alleviate potential buyer hesitations and lead to a quicker, higher…

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What is the Seller’s Role in the Listing Process?

There are many steps in selling your house, and a listing is one of them. In 2017, 89% of sellers used a real estate agent when selling their home, but successfully selling a house requires a partnership between a seller and an agent. Here’s what you can do to fulfill your role in the listing…

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